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ParkTime n. 1

24 Novembre 2020

ParkTime Magazine is born, I Parchi Letterari®’s newspaper created to promote and share culture starting from the places and communities that preserve it.

This weekly magazine, of which I am the proud Managing Director, is a journey that starts from the territories through literature. A path enriched at each stage by themes that cannot ignore memory and that project us into the near future well aware of the present we live in: environment, literature, news, curiosities, history, art, interviews, music, fashion, sport, economy, trends, food, and in short, everything that is life.

An active and more responsible participation to focus attention on the Parks and on the Parks through the topics addressed there. The first aspect comes to life in the column we called L’Almanacco with contributions coming directly from the territories that host, manage and bring to life the individual literary parks. ParkTime Magazine is in turn open to "external" participation in a sort of permanent dialogue with L’Almanacco.

ParkTime is inspired by the principles of social responsibility and environmental sustainability in line with the Rete dei Parchi Letterari, an Italian micro model of local development that combines cultural knowledge with the protection of the territory. The goal is to give voice to the specificities and talents kept in local communities with paths of verses, words, music, flavors and crafts starting from a scheduling of events dedicated to families and citizens, a conscious and widespread use of small and large assets. A common line accepted with enthusiasm to make citizens and talents more and more protagonists, an expression of sometimes hidden excellence.

Our attention is directed to the younger generations who have the responsibility for the future without forgetting the past. For this reason we intend to involve schools and universities with the aim of organizing a literary prize dedicated to them.

ParkTime Magazine will also be available in English in the short term, as we are convinced of the increasing importance of intercultural exchange today, in the European and international context, referring to the Italian Cultural Institutes, as I Parchi Letterari always have, to the Committees of Dante Alighieri and to the associations of Italians in the world.

In our online newspaper, great importance is also given to the use of images, professional photographs, comics and video interviews, giving space to all contemporary multimedia and narrative languages. Therefore extensive use also of social networks, from Facebook to Youtube, from Twitter to Instagram to involve the largest possible number of users.

The contents of the Magazine are aimed at a transversal, attentive, curious and leading audience.

The 26 Parchi Letterari, to which the 2 in Norway are added, are an identification network of internal Italy that brings together over 40 Municipalities and with them cultural associations, museums, productive realities (from food and wine to crafts, from accommodation facilities to guides territory) and environmental (natural parks, oases and nature reserves) that participate in a shared development work in which the awareness of one's tangible and intangible heritage, history, traditions and peculiarities of the agri-food chain, become a resource for local development to support the work of protecting and safeguarding the environment.

The link between ParkTime Magazine and I Parchi Letterari is underlined by the graphic of the header that recalls the historic logo of I Parchi Letterari: stylized by Stanislao Nievo the ravenala of Madagascar, also called the traveler's tree or palm for the leaves that collect the dew that quenches the wayfarers’ thirst. The symbol of I Parchi Letterari has nine laurel leaves, each of which represents a muse.

Special thanks go to Stanislao de Marsanich, President of the Literary Parks who gave me this wonderful opportunity and to the whole Rete dei Parchi and the communities involved for everything they do every day. A heartfelt thanks to all our team that you will soon get to know.

Our journey starts today from here, we will take you with us to every place we go. Here we are and we will do our best to show you all the wonders we will encounter.

Annalisa Nicastro

Foto: From Italy to Norway: Valentina Tamborra's astonishing photographic journey

From Italy to Norway: Valentina Tamborra's astonishing photographic journey

There are stories that show us how cooperation between people and can transform a terrible event into something wonderful, an opportunity for meeting and mutual exchange, the beginning of something unexpected can turn into wonder
23 Novembre 2020
Foto: Isabella Morra, an example of strength still today

Isabella Morra, an example of strength still today

The beautiful verses of Isabella have gone through history surviving for five hundred years. Written by Sylvie Freddi
23 Novembre 2020
Foto: Music: A kick in the face of “Violence against women”

Music: A kick in the face of “Violence against women”

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women we want to offer our contribution by recalling how music, over the years, has somehow wanted to have its say on this delicate issue. by Marco Restelli
23 Novembre 2020
Foto: The fate is the wind

The fate is the wind

The words of the publisher and feminist Luciana Tufani on the condition of women in Italy, on the women of literary parks. by Ginevra Sanfelice Lilli
23 Novembre 2020
Foto: Sherwood's project

Sherwood's project

Literary Parks reread by young people: stories and words stolen from writers to give them to readers. Sherwood is the column edited by Massimiliano Bellavista
by Massimiliano Bellavista
09 Dicembre 2020

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